Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Public Speaking is for People with Nerves of Steel

That was something that was said to me by a teenager who overheard me say I am just a "horrible public speaker and I will never do that again!". It was followed up by the sentiment that teenagers are the hardest group of people to talk to, and that despite what I think- I probably did just fine. It's hard to judge until you've done it a bit. I stammered, lost my place in where I was going with points, may have gone on about being "afraid" to show art a bit too much. But for the most part I touched on all the points in my notes, had a few visual aids, and considering I had not done public speaking since high school- didn't die from stage fright. (although I did go home for a 4 hour nap afterwards). As much as I try I just can't warm up to doing Karaoke in bars, but I have tried to do something in between which is to say I have started to put together some video tutorials. They're mostly in response to a lack of actually teaching anyone anything about how to render animals in 2D. But I have heard that putting videos on YouTube will increase your visibility as far as your website goes. Apparently it all has to do with content- which follows why you should have a blog- (even if no one reads it). I guess the "new secret" to SEO is content, content, content. The more you mention your website on your blog, facebook page or even on YouTube the higher in the rankings Search Engines like Google will find your page- and then you don't have to pay for advertising. Don't know that it's true but it's worth a shot. So the first series of tutorials goes over drawing Cats. Doesn't sound like any great thing until I tell you I went to the lengths of actually putting the time in to teach people about how ANATOMY affects how the cat LOOKS. It's amazing how many people don't get that. It's like any other thing- draw it how it is- not how you think it is. Hopefully I am not talking over peoples heads and it will build up subscribers, viewers, and collectors. Or at least when I die it will leave something behind. It's a hell of a lot of work though. Waaaay more than I expected. For every 15 mins of video- there is about 10-12hrs worth of work editing and trimming so that I don't look like the babbling idiot I am on a regular basis. And I haven't even gotten to the DRAWING part of the tutorials! (I am hoping that will be easier) But since "House" has now officially ended I suppose this will be how I fill my Monday nights. If your reading this and your wondering what the hell I am talking about here's a link: Drawing & Painting Cats
Hopefully I will be more reliable about posting in this as well. Since it takes almost a hour for the video to convert I suppose I should make posting in here the habit I do while that's converting. Well, check it out let me know what you think. Later!

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