Monday, May 9, 2011

Working Despite the Rain

One of the things I don't think many people understand when they start something as large as "their own company" is that emancipation from an employer also means you have to be self supportive, self driven, and be able to adapt to many different scenarios that your main talent does not support. I am an artist- not a seamstress. Yet today I will be sewing and framing. Some of the finer points to saving money is to be a bit of a Jack-of-all- Trades. Being able to overcome obstacles by working through them even if it is just a bit at a time. But on a sunnier note it is Spring and the flowers have arrived:
Somewhere between the streets of civilization and the wilderness of the untamed is the imagination and the beauty of the rebirth of the Spirit. Be brave enough to find it and bask in it's glory. Happy Spring Equinox to all those reading.

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