The past few weeks have been filled with unrelenting docudramas about September 11, 2001. Only a few have moved me to tears- none faster than the sound of a search dog that found the four victims in the rubble of the WTC. They didn't build up to just happened and my heart caught in my chest because I hadn't heard anything of "Cadaver Dogs" being brought in yet. That dog- which in the eyes of so many was "just another dog" became a hero in a single loud bark. It was solid, resilient and hopeful. And everyone stopped. The dog continues to bark (the dog is off camera so you don't see the dog- just the rescuers) and it gets louder and louder and people start shouting "Hey we found someone ALIVE DOWN HERE!!" Hours and days of digging and hoping, searching and praying were found, received and acted upon by a well trained determined search dog.

I'm not a political person or an flag waving 4th of July Patriot. I don't agree with everything this county decides it needs to do or the things people think they need to get involved in on "behalf" of our country. I think sometimes it gets us into a hell of a lot of trouble. But this time trouble came to us. And it wasn't the politicians who paid the price- it was the citizens. And it was the CITIZENS who showed the POLITICIANS how it needed to be responded to and handled. It was the citizens who were the heroes of 9/11 not the military, and not the government. When you look out and you decide who you want your heroes to be- look in your own back yard- the police, firefighters, EMS: the first responders, & the search teams (including dogs). I watched that tragedy like everyone else in America- I cried till I was sick- I was scared, I have family in New York that worked at the WTC. It was personal for me too. But when I hung a flag that night it was not to support a military retaliation, or a patriotic need. Because NATIONWIDE it IS the first responders who are always there putting their lives on the line, and if it happens are the first to die- trying to save the lives of others. I hung a flag in honor of their bravery, selflessness and sacrifice. Not one rolling into Manhattan that day thought of anything more than how to save a life. They inspired and brought the best out of this nation. The moment I hung that flag I can say I was proud- for a grim while I was proud -Not of my country- but of my countrymen.
Thank You,
to all those
Firefighters, EMTS, Police, and Search Teams
who stop and put their lives on the line
so that others may live.
The military have several holidays celebrating their heroism and devotion to duty and county.
Sept 11 is for those who aren't military who gave their lives and risk their lives on a daily basis.
It's not that I am not supporting the troops but let's recognize the everyday heroes too.