Thursday, February 24, 2011

ferrets in stained glass

In my adventuring today I picked up two tiny stained glass pieces to hang in the window while I am working on my ferret piece. Seems to be a really good idea as there are a few aspects of how the light plays with the glass that I forgot about and only remembered while I was looking at it. Picked up two new art books to help with the wildlife pieces and the dark fantasy. Finally have some body shots to start those just have to work out the kinks in the layout :) and of course there are my Christmas Kittens which I didn't get done before the holidays... So many pieces so little time...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Work

Am working on 3 pieces right now; Tigers and Ferrets.
The tiger piece is being Titled "The Origins of Balance"
The ferret piece is simply "Plotting"
I am posting work as I go pictures on the facebook group and in the Pet and Wildlife Forum, and will post the finished piece here.

The S.A.R.S. piece has not title yet and I am still hunting locations to work on it to raise awareness and money for the search team. (Which is privately funded and non-profit)


So it would seem that Facebook has changed it's format again to edit items viewed on your wall to only include "friends most recently interacted with". Which means I have no idea if any of the members of my group are even able to read the notification I posted and therefore have to message all members in order to get the word out. Well, blissfully that will not be the case here as I get to be in compete control ((yea!))

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kodiak Waits for us to go to the Dog Park

Spring is Coming

Today was a trip to the local dog park something Kodiak truly enjoys. I can't say the back of my blazer enjoys all the water and mud he tracks all over the back seat but such is the trials of owning a dog in Spring. I've gotten more work done on my tigers and fear I must get a second job in order to afford showing and merchandising investments for this year.. But for now it's sloping through yards and yards of flooded grass and melting snow to find today's great adventure. A few days ago was more brushing and the collecting of the vast majority of his under coat...Unfortunately Lily and Archie thought the container of fur which is a 15 gallon trash can would make an awesome play spot...I see I have more cleaning in my future thanks guys...

Also started a membership and profile with spending time adding all the kids...

Friday, February 11, 2011

February's gift to myself

So with so much going on I am taking on the task of adding a Blog to the Website and the Facebook page. I am not sure how well this will work or how it will be accepted but hopefully better than the first.
Tonight was the first fundraiser for the Great Lakes Search and Rescue Team for 2011. Got more ideas for the first of what I imagine will be a few ideas along with a souvenir bottle of "Big Dog Brutus" named after the search dog who I have done who helped in retrieving the remains of Tracy Hollbach so many years ago. Got a few good ideas for more pieces after this initial piece so hopefully I will be able to stay focused enough to get all these pieces done before I burn myself out.